Using Exists Transformation for Data Comparison in Azure Data Factory/Synapse

In this article, I will discuss on the Exists Transformation of Data Flow. The exists transformation is a row filtering transformation that checks whether your data exists in another source or stream. The output stream includes all rows in the left stream that either exist or don’t exist in the right stream. The exists transformation is similar to SQL WHERE EXISTS and SQL WHERE NOT EXISTS.

I use the Exists transformation in Azure Data Factory or Synapse data flows to compare source and target data.” (This is the most straightforward and generally preferred option.

Create a Data Flow

Create a Source

Create a DerivedColumn Transformation

expression uses : sha2(256, columns())

Create target and derivedColumn transformation

The same way of source creates target. To keep the data type are the same so that we can use hash value to compare, I add a “Cast transformation”;

then the same as source setting, add a derivedColumn transformation.

Exists Transformation to compare Source and target

add a Exists to comparing source and target.

The Exists function offers two options: Exists and Doesn’t Exist. It supports multiple criteria and custom expressions.


  1. Choose which data stream you’re checking for existence in the Right stream dropdown.
  2. Specify whether you’re looking for the data to exist or not exist in the Exist type setting.
  3. Select whether or not your want a Custom expression.
  4. Choose which key columns you want to compare as your exists conditions. By default, data flow looks for equality between one column in each stream. To compare via a computed value, hover over the column dropdown and select Computed column.

“Exists” option

Now, let use “Exists” option

we got this depid = 1004 exists.

Doesn’t Exist

use “Doesn’t Exist” option

we got depid = 1003. wholessale exists in Source side, but does NOT exist in target.


The “Exists Transformation” is similar to SQL WHERE EXISTS and SQL WHERE NOT EXISTS.

It is very convenient to compare in data engineering project, e.g. ETL comparison.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)

Building Slowly Changing Dimensions Type 2 in Azure Data Factory and Synapse

Within the context of enterprise data warehousing, the effective management of historical data is essential for supporting informed business decision-making. Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Type 2 is a widely adopted technique for addressing changes in data over time.

A brief overview of Slowly Changing Dimensions Type 2

Slowly Changing Dimensions Type 2 (SCD Type 2) is a common solution for managing historical data. To ensure clarity, I’ll briefly recap SCD Type 2.

A Type 2 of SCD retains the full history of values. When the value of a chosen attribute changes, the current record is closed. A new record is created with the changed data values and this new record becomes the current record.

Existing Dimension data
surrokey	depID	dep	IsActivity
1	        1001	IT	1
2	        1002	HR	1
3	        1003	Sales	1
Dimension changed and new data comes 
depId dep
1003  wholesale   <--- depID is same, name changed from "Sales" to "wholesale"
1004  Finance     <--- new data

Mark existing dimensional records as expired (inactive); create a new record for the current dimensional data; and insert new incoming data as new dimensional records.

Now, the new Dimension will be:
surrokey  depID	dep	   IsActivity
1	  1001	IT	   1   <-- No action required
2	  1002	HR	   1   <-- No action required
3	  1003	Sales	   0   <-- mark as inactive
4         1003  wholesale  1   <-- add updated active value
5         1004  Finance    1   <-- insert new data

This solution demonstrates the core concepts of a Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) Type 2 implementation. While it covers the major steps involved, real-world production environments often have more complex requirements. When designing dimension tables (e.g., the dep table), I strongly recommend adding more descriptive columns to enhance clarity. Specifically, including [Start_active_date] and [End_active_date] columns significantly improves the traceability and understanding of dimension changes over time.

Implementing SCD Type 2

Step 1: Create a Dimension Table- dep

# Create table
create table dep (
surrokey int IDENTITY(1, 1), 
depID int, 
dep varchar(50), 
IsActivity bit);

# Insert data, 
surrokey	depID	dep	IsActivity
1	        1001	IT	1
2	        1002	HR	1
3	        1003	Sales	1

Step 2: Create Data Flow

Add the source dataset. dataset should point to file which is located in your source layer.

We have 2 data rows. That means depID =1003, updated value, a new comes depID=1004 need add into dimension table.

Step 3: Add derived column

Add derived column resource and add column name as isactive and provide the value as 1.

Step 4: Sink dimension data

Create a dataset point to SQL Server Database Table dep

Add a Sink use above dataset, SQLServer_dep_table

Configure the sink mappings as shown below

Step 5: Add SQL dataset as another source.

Step 6: Rename column from Database Table dep

Use select resource to rename columns from SQL table.

rename column name:

  • depID –> sql_depID
  • dep –> sql_dep
  • Isactivity –> sql_IsActivity

Step 7: Lookup

Add lookup to join new dimension data that we have import in “srcDep” at “Step 2”

At this step, existing dimension table “Left Join” out the new coming dimension (need update info or new comes dimension values).

  • existing dimension data, depID=1003 ,previously “dep” called “Sales” , now it need changing to “wholesales”

Step 8: filter out non-nulls

Add filter, filter out the rows which has non-nulls in the source file columns.

Filter expression : depID column is not null. 

This requires filtering the ‘lkpNeedUpdate’ lookup output to include only rows where the depID is not null.

Step 9: Select need columns

Since up stream “filterNonNull” output more columns,

Not all columns are required. The objective is to use the new data (containing depid and dep) to update existing information in the dimension table (specifically sql_depID, sql_dep, and sql_isActivity) and mark the old information as inactive.

Add a “SELECT” to select need the columns that we are going to insert or update in Database dimension table.

Step 10: add a new column and give its value = “0”

Add a deriver, set its value is “0” , means mark it as “inactive

Step 11: alter row

Add a “Alter Row” to update row information.

configure alter conditions:

Update     1==1 

Step 12 Sink updated information

we have updated the existing rows, mark it “0” as “inactive”. it time to save it into database dimension table.

Add a “Sink” point to database dimension table – dep

mapping the columns,

sql_depid  ---> depID
sql_dep  ---> dep
ActivityStatus  ---> IsActivity

Step 13: Adjust Sink order

As there are two sinks, one designated for the source data and the other for the updated data, a specific processing order must be enforced.

Click on a blank area of the canvas, at “Settings” tag, configure them order.
1: sinkUpdated
2: sinkToSQLDBdepTable

Step 14: creata a pipeline

create a pipeline, add this data flow, run it.

SELECT TOP (5000) [surrokey]
  FROM [williamSQLDB].[dbo].[dep]

surrokey  depID	  dep	       IsActivity
1	  1001	  IT	        1
2	  1002	  HR	        1
3	  1003    Sales	        0
4	  1003    Wholesale	1
5	  1004	  Finance	1


In conclusion, we have explored the powerful combination of Slowly Changing Dimensions Type 2, it has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively implement SCD Type 2 in your data warehousing projects, leveraging modern technologies and following industry best practices.

By implementing SCD Type 2 according to Ralph Kimball’s approach, organizations can achieve a comprehensive view of dimensional data, enabling accurate trend analysis, comparison of historical performance, and tracking of changes over time. It empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions based on a complete understanding of the data’s evolution, ensuring data integrity and reliability within the data warehousing environment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)

Dynamic ETL Mapping in Azure Data Factory/Synapse Analytics: Source-to-Target Case Study Implementation (1)

This article is part of a series dedicated to dynamic ETL Source-to-Target Mapping (STM) solutions, covering both batch and near real-time use cases. The series will explore various mapping scenarios, including one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships, with implementations provided throughout.

You need create and alter metadata table privilege.


In this article, I will focus on scenario where the source schema may have new or missing columns, or the destination schema may have columns with different names or might lack columns to accommodate new incoming source fields.


Dynamically handle source variations, map data to the consistent destination schema, and handle missing columns gracefully. Giving default value to missed column, add new column to target DB table if they are new coming.


CSV, Schema varies between executions (columns may be missing, reordered, or new).
current source columns’ name: name, age, gender and state


Database, SQL DB,
columns’ name: emp_ID , emp_Name, emp_age, gender, dep_id.


  • emp_ID and dep_id missed from source data.
  • schema name are not exactly same
    name <—-> emp_Name
    age <—-> emp_age
  • target DB table does not have the column “state”
Source data:
name age gander state
Bill 32 M NY
Mary 34 F CA
Tom 23 M FL
Jim 26 M CA
Afton_Taborek 45 F FL
Amélie_Gilker 43 M NY
target SQLDB Table: emp
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[emp](
[emp_id] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[emp_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[emp_age] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[gender] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[dep_id] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
col_name data_type allow_null
emp_id nvarchar(50) null
emp_name nvarchar(50) null
emp_age nvarchar(50) null
gender nvarchar(50) null
dep_id nvarchar(50) null

Key components and steps of solution.

  1. Create metadata to hold STM plan
  2. Get metadata activity retrieves source data schema – columns’ name, data type
  3. Reset fields active status to False.
  4. ForEach coming source fields in metadata table, activities/field mapping/target column
  5. Retrieving each STM mapping plan from metadata table generate complete mapping plan
  6. Copy activity applying the mapping plan to “Dynamic Content of Mapping”


Step 1: Create a metadata table to hold mapping plan

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[metadata](
	[source_filename] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[src_col] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[src_dataType] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[src_col_createdate] [datetime] DEFAULT getdate() NULL,
	[src_col_activity] [bit] NULL,
	[destination_schema] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[destination_table] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[dst_col] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[dst_dataType] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[dst_createdate] [datetime] DEFAULT getdate() NULL,
	[dst_col_activity] [bit] NULL,
	[mapping] [varchar](max) NULL

[mapping] column will be a json style string, that indicate this source column will map to target column’s name. Its pattern is :

  "source": {
     "name": "Field/column name",
     "type": "column generalized dataType",
     "physicalType":"coming column's Native dataType"
  "sink": {
     "name": "Table column name",
     "type": "coming column's generalized dataType",
     "physicalType":"column's target database Native dataType"

Field’s name in the file, or column’s name in t DB table.


Logical Data Type. The abstract or generalized type used by Azure Data Factory (ADF) to interpret data regardless of the underlying system or format.
For example, string, integer, double etc.


The specific type defined by the database or file system where the data resides.
For example, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, CHAR, INT, FLOAT, NUMERIC(18,10), TEXT etc. in database

Each column has this source-to-sink mapping plan, we will concat all column’s mapping plan, generate a complete Source to Target mapping (STM) plan.

Step 2: Creating known field-column mapping plan

For each known field or column, create a Source-to-Target mapping plan, save it in the “mapping” column of the database metadata table, formatted in JSON style string.

# id field mapping plan
  "source": {
     "name": "id",
     "type": "string",
  "sink": {
     "name": "emp_id",
     "type": "nvarchar(max)",

# name field mapping plan
  "source": {
     "name": "name",
     "type": "string",
  "sink": {
     "name": "emp_name",
     "type": "nvarchar(max)",

# age field mapping plan
  "source": {
     "name": "age",
     "type": "string",
  "sink": {
     "name": "emp_age",
     "type": "nvarchar(max)",

# gander field mapping plan
  "source": {
     "name": "gander",
     "type": "string",
  "sink": {
     "name": "gender",
     "type": "nvarchar(max)",

# "dep_id"field mapping plan
  "source": {
     "name": "dep_id",
     "type": "string",
  "sink": {
     "name": "dep_id",
     "type": "nvarchar(max)",

We will utilize the column mapping plans to generate a comprehensive “copy activity” mapping plan.

For any new or unknown fields that may arise, we will address them in subsequent steps.

Step 3: get source metadata

Create a pipeline.

l name it “pl_dynamic_source_to_target_mapping”

Create variables

  • var_sourcename, string
  • var_field_name, string
  • var_field_type, string
  • var_mapping_plan, string

Add a “Get metadata” activity and setup it.

We need field list:

  • Item name,
  • Item type,
  • structure.

“it”get metadata” get the return

	"itemName": "name.csv",
	"itemType": "File",
	"structure": [
			"name": "name",
			"type": "String"
			"name": "age",
			"type": "String"
			"name": "gander",
			"type": "String"
			"name": "state",
			"type": "String"
	"effectiveIntegrationRuntime": "AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime (East US 2)",
	"executionDuration": 1,
	"durationInQueue": {
		"integrationRuntimeQueue": 0
	"billingReference": {
		"activityType": "PipelineActivity",
		"billableDuration": [
				"meterType": "AzureIR",
				"duration": 0.016666666666666666,
				"unit": "Hours"

Step 4: Reset the activity status of all source fields in the metadata table to False

Save source data name

Since we will address the item’s metadata one field by one field later, saving source data name in variable is convenient.

add a “Set variable” to save source data name in variable – “var_sourcename”

Reset all source fields to False

Add a “lookup activity”, reset the activity status of all source fields in the metadata table to False.

lookup query:

UPDATE metadata SET
src_col_activity = 0
WHERE source_filename = '@{variables('var_sourcename')}';

This is one of the important steps. It allows us to focus on the incoming source fields. When we build the complete ETL Source-to-Target mapping plan, we will utilize these incoming fields.

Step 5: ForEach address source data fields

Add the ‘ForEach activity’ to the pipeline, using the ‘structure’ to address the source data fields one by one.

Save source data field name and data type

In the ForEach activity, add two “Set variable” to save source data field name and data type in variable .
ForEach’s @item().name —> var_field_name
ForEach’s @item().type —> var_field_type

Lookup source fields in metadata table

Continue in ForEach activity, add a “lookup activity”, create a dataset point to metadata table.

Lookup query:

SELECT src_col from metadata
source_filename = '@{variables('var_sourcename')}'
AND src_col = '@{variables('var_field_name')}'
-- Alter target table schema
ALTER TABLE emp ADD @{item().name} NVARCHAR(max);
SELECT 'target altered'; -- return

-- insert field metadata and STM plan
INSERT INTO metadata
, src_col
, src_dataType
, src_col_activity
, destination_schema
, destination_table
, dst_col
, dst_dataType
, dst_col_activity
, mapping)
, '@{variables('var_field_name')}'
, '@{variables('var_field_type')}'
, 1
, 'dbo'
, 'emp'
, '@{variables('var_field_name')}'
, 1
, '{
"source": {
"name": "@{variables('var_field_name')}",
"type": "@{variables('var_field_type')}",
"sink": {
"name": "@{variables('var_field_name')}",
"type": "nvarchar(max)",
SELECT 'insert field metadata';-- return
UPDATE metadata SET src_col_activity = 1
WHERE source_filename = '@{variables('var_sourcename')}'
AND src_col = '@{variables('var_field_name')}'
select 'this field actived'; -- return
  1. Check if the current source field exists in the ‘metadata’ table.
    If the field’s name is found, update its activity status to True as an existing field. If the field’s name is not present, it indicates a new field. Insert this new field into the metadata table and establish its mapping plan to specify its intended destination.
  2. Check the target table [emp] to verify if the column exists. If the column is not present, alter the schema of the target table [emp] to add a new column to the destination table.

the target table schema altered

new field, “state”, metadata inserted in to the metadata table

new field mapping plan

  "source": {
     "name": "@{variables('var_field_name')}",
     "type": "@{variables('var_field_type')}",
  "sink": {
     "name": "@{variables('var_field_name')}",
     "type": "@{variables('var_field_type')}",

Step 6: Generate the complete ETL mapping plan

Generate complete ETL mapping plan

Add a “Lookup activity” to generate complete ETL mapping plan, use metadata table dataset.

This ‘lookup activity’ queries all activity field mapping plans from the metadata table to generate a complete STM mapping plan.

'{"type": "TabularTranslator",
"mappings": [' 
, string_agg(mapping,',') 
,'"typeConversion": true,"typeConversionSettings": {"allowDataTruncation": false, "treatBooleanAsNumber": false}'
) as stm
from metadata
[source_filename] = '@{variables('var_sourcename')}' 
and [src_col_activity] = 1

Also add “Set variable” to save the STM to variable “var_mapping_plan”

@activity('lkp generate entire ETL mapping  plan').output.firstRow.stm

Step 7: Copy source data to target

Having established the dynamic mapping plan, we are now prepared to ingest data from the source and deliver it to the target. All preceding steps were dedicated to the development of the ETL mapping plan.

Copy activity: Applying the STM mapping plan

Add a “Copy activity”, using Source and Sink dataset we built previous.

changing to “Mapping” tag, click “Add dynamic content”, write expression:


All previous steps were dedicated to building the ETL mapping plan.

Done !!!


This article focuses on explaining the underlying logic of dynamic source-to-target mapping through a step-by-step demonstration. To clearly illustrate the workflow and logic flow, four “Set Variable” activities and four pipeline variables are included. However, in a production environment, these are not required.

Having demonstrated dynamic source-to-target mapping with all necessary logic flow steps, this solution provides a foundation that can be extended to other scenarios, such as one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many mappings. Implementations for these scenarios will be provided later.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @
(remove all space from the email account 😊)

ADF activities failure vs pipeline failure and pipeline error handling logical mechanism

Understanding how failures in individual activities affect the pipeline as a whole is crucial for building robust data workflows.

Some people have used SSIS previously, when they switch from SSIS to the Azure Data Factory and Synapse, they might confuse in ADF or ASA ‘s “pipeline logical failure mechanisam” ADF or ASA’s pipeline orchestration allows conditional logic and enables the user to take a different path based upon outcomes of a previous activity. Using different paths allows users to build robust pipelines and incorporates error handling in ETL/ELT logic.

ADF or ASA activity outcomes path

ADF or ASA has 4 paths in total.

A pipeline can have multiple activities that can be executed in sequence or in parallel.

  • Sequential Execution: Activities are executed one after another.
  • Parallel Execution: Multiple activities run simultaneously.

You are able to add multiple branches following an activity, for each pipeline run, at most one path is activated, based on the execution outcome of the activity.

Error Handling Mechanism

When an activity fails within a pipeline, several mechanisms can be employed to handle the failure:

In most cases, pipelines are orchestrated in Parallel, Serial or Mixed model. The key point is understanding what will happen in Parallet or Serial model.

From upon activity point of view, the basic principles that are:

Multiple dependencies with the same source are logical “OR

Multiple dependencies with different sources are logical “AND

Different error handling mechanisms lead to different status for the pipeline: while some pipelines fail, others succeed. We determine pipeline success and failures as follows:

  • Evaluate outcome for all leaves activities. If a leaf activity was skipped, we evaluate its parent activity instead.
  • Pipeline result is success if and only if all nodes evaluated succeed

Let us discuss in detail.

Multiple dependencies with the same source

This seems like “Serial” or “sequence”

How “Serial” pipeline failure is determined

As we develop more complicated and resilient pipelines, it’s sometimes required to introduce conditional executions to our logic: execute a certain activity only if certain conditions are met. At this point, as long as one or more activities failed while one or other activities success in a pipeline, what is the status of the entire pipeline? Success? Failure? How are pipeline failure determined?

In fact, ADF/ASA has unique insight.  Software engineers are used to customary form:  

“if … then … else …”; try … catch …”, let’s use the developer’ idiom

Single upon activity or Serial model, multiple downstreamUpon activityDownstream successful path act1Downstream failure path act2Pipeline Status showscomment
try .. catch …Downstream success path onlySuccessSuccessSuccess
Downstream success path onlyFailedSuccessFailed
Downstream failure path onlyFailedFailedFailed
Downstream failure path onlyFailedSuccessSuccess not really success
If …then ..else …Both success & failure pathSuccessSuccessSuccess
Both success & failure pathFailedSuccessFailed
Both success & failure pathFailedFailedFailed
If .. Skip.. Else  …Both success & failure and skipSuccessSuccessSkipSuccess
Scenario 1: Try … catch …

Downstream success path only:
upon act success >> downstream act success >> pipeline Success

Downstream success path only:
upon act failed >> downstream act success >> pipeline Failed

Downstream failure path only

upon act failed >> downstream act success >> pipeline success

Scenario 2:

If … then … Else

Pipeline defines both the Upon Failure and Upon Success paths. This approach renders pipeline fails, even if Upon Failure path succeeds.

Both success & failure path

upon act failed >> downstream act failed >> pipeline success

Both success & failure path

upon act failed >> downstream failed >> pipeline failed

Scenario 3

If  …Skip… Else   ….

Both success & failure path, and skip path

upon act success >> downstream act success >> skip path is skipped >> pipeline success

Multiple dependencies with different sources

This seems like “Parallel”, its logical is “And”

Scenario 4:

Upon act 1 success and upon act 2 success >> downstream act success >> pipeline success.

Upon act 1 success and upon act 2 failed >> downstream act success >> pipeline success.

pay attention to the “Set variable failed” uses “fail” path.

That mean:

“set variable success” the action is true

Although “set variable failed” activity failed, but “set variable failed” the action is true.

so both “set variable success” and “set variable failed” the two action true.

pipeline shows to “success”

Now, let’s try this:

the “Set variable failed” uses “success” path, to see what pipeline shows, pipeline failed.

Why? since the “Set variable failed” action is not true. even if the “set variable success” action is True. True + False = False. follow activity – “set variable act” is skipped. will not execute, will not run! pipeline failed!

All right, you might immediately realize that once we let the “Set variable failed” path uses “complete”, that means no matter it true or false, the downstream activity “set variable act” will not be skipped. Pipeline will show success.

Error Handling

Sample error handling patterns

The pattern is equivalent to try catch block in coding. An activity might fail in a pipeline. When it fails, customer needs to run an error handling job to deal with it. However, the single activity failure shouldn’t block next activities in the pipeline. For instance, I attempt to run a copy job, moving files into storage. However it might fail half way through. And in that case, I want to delete the partially copied, unreliable files from the storage account (my error handling step). But I’m OK to proceed with other activities afterwards.

To set up the pattern:

  • Add first activity
  • Add error handling to the UponFailure path
  • Add second activity, but don’t connect to the first activity
  • Connect both UponFailure and UponSkip paths from the error handling activity to the second activity

Error Handling job runs only when First Activity fails. Next Activity will run regardless if First Activity succeeds or not.

Generic error handling

We have multiple activities running sequentially in the pipeline. If any fails, I need to run an error handling job to clear the state, and/or log the error.

For instance, I have sequential copy activities in the pipeline. If any of these fails, I need to run a script job to log the pipeline failure.

To set up the pattern:

  • Build sequential data processing pipeline
  • Add generic error handling step to the end of the pipeline
  • Connect both Upon Failure and Upon Skip paths from the last activity to the error handling activity

The last step, Generic Error Handling, will only run if any of the previous activities fails. It will not run if they all succeed.

You can add multiple activities for error handling.


Handling activity failures effectively is crucial for building robust pipelines in Azure Data Factory. By employing retry policies, conditional paths, and other error-handling strategies, you can ensure that your data workflows are resilient and capable of recovering from failures, minimizing the impact on your overall data processing operations.

if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at william. chen (remove all space from the email account 😊)