System, Infrastructure, Architecture and Data Engineering

Comprehensive migration engineering strategy
Data migration, the process of transferring digital information, is a complex undertaking crucial to organizational operations. It necessitates thorough risk assessment and careful planning to address the numerous challenges that can arise during implementation. This discussion details key strategies and processes.
Data Migration Checklist: A Starting Point
Creating a robust data migration checklist can be challenging, particularly for those new to the process. To simplify this, we’ve compiled a core set of essential activities for effective data migration planning. This checklist, designed to support thorough preparation for data migration projects, has been successfully used across diverse migration projects over several years, including those for financial institutions (including banks), insurance companies, consulting firms, and other industries. While not exhaustive, it provides a solid foundation that can be customized with project-specific requirements.
Data Lake implementation – Data Lake Zones and Containers Planning
It’s important to plan your data structure before you land it into a data lake. more …
Data lake vs delta lake vs data lakehouse, and data warehouses comparison
Briefly compare difference between Data Lake, Delta lake, Data Lakehouse and Data Warehouse. more …
Create service principle, Register an application on Azure Entra ID (former Active Directory)
This article is talking on creating service principle and registering an application in the Microsoft Entra admin center. step by step demo. more…
Create and Using Key Vault in Azure Ecosystem
Azure Key Vault safeguards encryption keys and secrets like certificates, connection strings, and passwords. more …
Introduce Medallion architecture
Describes a series of data layers that denote the quality of data stored in the lakehouse more …
SharePoint Online grants ADF or ASA access to extract data
This article is talking about SharePoint Online grants the application (ADF or ASA) access site step by step. more …
Configuring Azure Entra ID Authentication in Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Database can be integrated with Azure Entra ID to provide identity and access management. more …
Unity Catalog: Create metastore and Enabling Unity Catalog in Azure
Manual create metastore and enabling unity catalog if they are not automatically created while we created Azure Databricks service more …