Comparison of Unity Catalog, External Data Source, External Table, Mounting Data and Metastore

Comparison including the Databricks Catalog (Unity Catalog) alongside Mounting Data, External Data Source, External Table and Metastore:

FeatureDatabricks Catalog (Unity Catalog)Mounting DataExternal Data SourceExternal TableMetastore (Hive Metastore)
PurposeCentralized governance and access control for data across multiple workspaces and environments.Map cloud storage to DBFSQuery external databases directlyQuery external data in cloud storage via SQLStore metadata (schemas, table locations) for databases and tables in Databricks and Spark.
Data AccessSQL-based access to tables, views, and databases with unified governance.File-level access (Parquet, CSV, etc.)Database-level access (via JDBC/ODBC)Table-level access with metadata in DatabricksProvides table and schema information to Spark SQL, Hive, and Databricks.
SetupDefine catalog, databases, tables, views, and enforce permissions centrally.Mount external storage in DBFSConfigure connector (JDBC/ODBC)Create an external table with storage locationAutomatically manages metadata for tables and databases; can be customized or integrated with external metastores.
GovernanceCentralized governance, RBAC, column-level security, and audit logs.Managed by storage providerManaged by the external databaseManaged by external storage permissionsBasic governance, mainly for schema management; limited fine-grained access control.
ProsCentralized access control, auditing, lineage, and security across multiple environments.Easy access to filesNo need to copy data, works with SQL queriesAllows SQL queries on external dataSimplifies metadata management for large datasets and integrates seamlessly with Spark and Databricks.
ConsRequires Unity Catalog setup, and governance policies must be defined for all data assets.No built-in governanceLatency issues with external databasesMetadata management requires setupLacks advanced governance features like RBAC, auditing, and data lineage.
When to UseWhen you need centralized governance, access control, auditing, and security for data assets across multiple workspaces or cloud environments.When you need direct access to files stored externally, without ingestion.When you want to query external databases without moving the data.When you want SQL-based access to external files without copying them into Databricks.When you need basic schema and metadata management for tables and databases used by Databricks or Spark.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

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