Unity Catalog: Data Access Control with Databricks Unity Catalog

This article explains how to control access to data and other objects in Unity Catalog.


Entities that can be granted permissions (e.g., users, groups, or roles).

Example: A user like alice@company.com or a group like DataEngineers can be considered principals.


The specific rights or actions that a principal can perform on a securable object.

  • SELECT: Read data from a table or view.
  • INSERT: Add data to a table.
  • UPDATE: Modify existing data.
  • DELETE: Remove data.
  • ALL PRIVILEGES: Grants all possible actions.

Example: GRANT SELECT ON TABLE transactions TO DataScientists;

Securable Objects

The resources or entities (e.g., databases, tables, schemas) on which permissions are applied.

  • Catalogs (logical collections of databases).
  • Schemas (collections of tables or views within a catalog).
  • Tables (structured data in rows and columns).
  • Views, Functions, External Locations, etc.

Example: In Unity Catalog, the catalog named main, a schema like sales_db, and a table called transactions are all securable objects.

ConceptPrincipalsPrivilegesSecurable Objects
DefinitionEntities that can be granted permissions (e.g., users, groups, or roles).The specific rights or actions that a principal can perform on a securable object.The resources or entities (e.g., databases, tables, schemas) on which permissions are applied.
Examples– Users (e.g., alice, bob)
– Groups (e.g., DataEngineers)
– Service Principals
– SELECT (read data)
– INSERT (write data)
– ALL PRIVILEGES (full access)
– Catalog
– Schema
– Table
– External Location
ScopeDefines who can access or perform actions on resources.Defines what actions are allowed for principals on securable objects.Defines where privileges apply (i.e., what resources are being accessed).
Roles in Security ModelPrincipals represent users, groups, or roles that need permissions to access objects.Privileges are permissions or grants that specify the actions a principal can perform.Securable objects are the data resources and define the scope of where privileges are applied.
GranularityGranularity depends on the level of access required for individual users or groups.Granular permissions such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or even specific column-level access.Granular levels of objects from the entire catalog down to individual tables or columns.
Hierarchy– Principals can be individual users, but more commonly, groups or roles are used to simplify management.– Privileges can be granted at various levels (catalog, schema, table) and can be inherited from parent objects.– Securable objects are structured hierarchically: catalogs contain schemas, which contain tables, etc.
Management– Principals are typically managed by identity providers (e.g., Azure Entra ID, Databricks users, Active Directory).– Privileges are managed through SQL commands like GRANT or REVOKE in systems like Unity Catalog.– Securable objects are resources like catalogs, schemas, and tables that need to be protected with permissions.
Databricks Example– User: databricks-user
– Group: DataScientists
– GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sales TO DataScientists`;Catalog: main
Schema: sales_db
Table: transactions
Side by side Comparison

Securable objects in Unity Catalog are hierarchical, and privileges are inherited downward. The highest level object that privileges are inherited from is the catalog. This means that granting a privilege on a catalog or schema automatically grants the privilege to all current and future objects within the catalog or schema.

Show grants on objects in a Unity Catalog metastore

Catalog Explorer

  1. In your Azure Databricks workspace, click  Catalog.
  2. Select the object, such as a catalog, schema, table, or view.
  3. Go to the Permissions tab.


Run the following SQL command in a notebook or SQL query editor. You can show grants on a specific principal, or you can show all grants on a securable object.

SHOW GRANTS  [principal]   ON  <securable-type> <securable-name>

For example, the following command shows all grants on a schema named default in the parent catalog named main:


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @ mainri.ca

(remove all space from the email account 😊)


MS: Manage privileges in Unity Catalog

MS: Unity Catalog privileges and securable objects