arrayType, mapType column and functions

In PySpark, ArrayType and MapType are used to define complex data structures within a DataFrame schema.

ArrayType column, and functions,

ArrayType allows you to store and work with arrays, which can hold multiple values of the same data type.

sample dataframe:
id, numbers|
1, [1, 2, 3]
2, [4, 5, 6]
3, [7, 8, 9]

explode ()

“explode” a given array into individual new rows using the explode function, Offen use it to flatten JSON.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode

# Explode the 'numbers' array into separate rows
exploded_df = df.withColumn("number", explode(df.numbers))
id	numbers	number
1	[1,2,3]	1
1	[1,2,3]	2
1	[1,2,3]	3
2	[4,5,6]	4
2	[4,5,6]	5
2	[4,5,6]	6
3	[7,8,9]	7
3	[7,8,9]	8
3	[7,8,9]	9
split ()

Split strings based on a specified delimiter, return a array type.

from pyspark.sql.functions import split
df.withColumn(“Name_Split”, split(df[“Name”], “,”))

sample dataframe
| Name |
| John,Doe |
| Jane,Smith |
| Alice,Cooper |

from pyspark.sql.functions import split
# Split the 'Name' column by comma
df_split = df.withColumn("Name_Split", split(df["Name"], ","))

| Name        | Name_Split     |
| John,Doe    | [John, Doe]    |
| Jane,Smith  | [Jane, Smith]  |
| Alice,Cooper| [Alice, Cooper]|
array ()

Creates an array column.

from pyspark.sql.functions import array, col
# create a new column - numbers, array type. elements use num1,num2,num3   

|   1|   2|   3|
|   4|   5|   6|

#new array column "numbers" created
|num1|num2|num3| numbers   |
|   1|   2|   3| [1, 2, 3] |
|   4|   5|   6| [4, 5, 6] |
array_contains ()

Checks if an array contains a specific element.

from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains
array_contains(array, value)

sample dataframe
|id |fruits |
|1 |[apple, banana, cherry]|
|2 |[orange, apple, grape] |
|3 |[pear, peach, plum] |

from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Using array_contains to check if the array contains 'apple'"id", array_contains("fruits", "apple").alias("has_apple")).show()

| id|has_apple |
|  1|      true|
|  2|      true|
|  3|     false|

Access individual elements of an array by their index using the getItem() method

# Select the second element (index start from 0) of the 'numbers' array
df1 = df.withColumn("item_1_value",   df.numbers.getItem(1))
id	numbers	      item_1_value
1	[1,2,3]	       2
2	[4,5,6]	       5
3	[7,8,9]	       8
size ()

Returns the size of the array.

from pyspark.sql.functions import size

# Get the size of the 'numbers' array

|            3|
|            3|
|            3|

Sorts the array elements.

sort_array(col: ‘ColumnOrName’, asc: bool = True)

If `asc` is True (default) then ascending and if False then descending. if asc=True, can be omitted.

from pyspark.sql.functions import sort_array
df.withColumn("numbers", sort_array("numbers")).show()
| id|  numbers|
|  1|[1, 2, 3]|
|  2|[4, 5, 6]|
|  3|[7, 8, 9]|
+---+---------+"numbers", asc=False).alias("sorted_desc")).show()
|  [3, 2, 1]|
|  [6, 5, 4]|
|  [9, 8, 7]|
concat ()

concat() is used to concatenate arrays (or strings) into a single array (or string). When dealing with ArrayType, concat() is typically used to combine two or more arrays into one.

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat

sample DataFrames
|id |array1|array2|
|1 | [a, b] | [x, y]|
|2 | [c] | [z] |
|3 | [d, e] | null |

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat

# Concatenating array columns
df_concat = df.withColumn("concatenated_array", concat(col("array1"), col("array2")))

|id |array1|array2|concatenated_array|
|1  |[a, b]|[x, y]|[a, b, x, y]      |
|2  |[c]   |[z]   |[c, z]            |
|3  |[d, e]|null  |null              |

Handling null Values

If any of the input columns are null, the entire result can become null. This is why you’re seeing null instead of just the non-null array.

To handle this, you can use coalesce() to substitute null with an empty array before performing the concat(). coalesce() returns the first non-null argument. Here’s how you can modify your code:

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, coalesce, lit

# Define an empty array for the same type
empty_array = array()

# Concatenate with null handling using coalesce
df_concat = df.withColumn(
    concat(coalesce(col("array1"), empty_array), coalesce(col("array2"), empty_array))

|id |array1|array2|concatenated_array|
|1  |[a, b]|[x, y]|[a, b, x, y]      |
|2  |[c]   |[z]   |[c, z]            |
|3  |[d, e]|null  |[d, e]            |
array_zip ()

Combines arrays into a single array of structs.

☰ MapType column, and functions

MapType is used to represent map key-value pair similar to python Dictionary (Dic)

from pyspark.sql.types import MapType, StringType, IntegerType
# Define a MapType
my_map = MapType(StringType(), IntegerType(), valueContainsNull=True)


  • keyType: Data type of the keys in the map. You can use PySpark data types like StringType(), IntegerType(), DoubleType(), etc.
  • valueType: Data type of the values in the map. It can be any valid PySpark data type
  • valueContainsNull: Boolean flag (optional). It indicates whether null values are allowed in the map. Default is True.

sample dataset
# Sample dataset (Product ID and prices in various currencies)
data = [
(1, {“USD”: 100, “EUR”: 85, “GBP”: 75}),
(2, {“USD”: 150, “EUR”: 130, “GBP”: 110}),
(3, {“USD”: 200, “EUR”: 170, “GBP”: 150}),

sample dataframe
|product_id|prices |
|1 |{EUR -> 85, GBP -> 75, USD -> 100} |
|2 |{EUR -> 130, GBP -> 110, USD -> 150}|
|3 |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|

Accessing map_keys (), map_values ()

Extract keys (currency codes) and values (prices):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Extract map keys and values

|product_id|currencies     |prices_in_currencies|
|1         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[85, 75, 100]       |
|2         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[130, 110, 150]     |
|3         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[170, 150, 200]     |
exploder ()

Use explode () to flatten the map into multiple rows, where each key-value pair from the map becomes a separate row.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
# Use explode to flatten the map
df_exploded ="product_id", explode("prices").alias("currency", "price")).show()

|         1|     EUR|   85|
|         1|     GBP|   75|
|         1|     USD|  100|
|         2|     EUR|  130|
|         2|     GBP|  110|
|         2|     USD|  150|
|         3|     EUR|  170|
|         3|     GBP|  150|
|         3|     USD|  200|
Accessing specific elements in the map

To get the price for a specific currency (e.g., USD) for each product:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Access the value for a specific key in the map

|1         |100         |
|2         |150         |
|3         |200         |

filter the rows based on conditions involving the map values

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Filter rows where price in USD is greater than 150
df.filter(col("prices").getItem("USD") > 150).show(truncate=False)

|product_id|prices                              |
|3         |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|
map_concat ()

Combines two or more map columns by merging their key-value pairs.

from pyspark.sql.functions import map_concat, create_map, lit

# Define the additional currency as a new map using create_map()
additional_currency = create_map(lit("CAD"), lit(120))

# Add a new currency (e.g., CAD) with a fixed price to all rows
    map_concat(col("prices"), additional_currency)

|product_id|prices                              |
|3         |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|

withColumn, select


It’s a “transformation”.
withColumn() add or replace a column_name in a DataFrame. In other words, if “column_name” exists, replace/change the existing column, otherwise, add “column_name” as new column.


from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, concat, when, upper, coalesce
df.withColumn(“column_name”, expression)

Key Parameters

  • "column_name": The name of the new or existing column.
  • expression: Any transformation, calculation, or function applied to create or modify the column.
Basic Column Creation (with literal values)

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
# Add a column with a constant value
df_new = df.withColumn(“New_Column”, lit(100))

ID Name Grade New_Column
1 Alice null 100
2 Bob B 100
3 Charlie C 100

# Add a new column, no value
df_new = df.withColumn(“New_Column”, lit(None))

ID Name Grade New_Column
1 Alice null null
2 Bob B null
3 Charlie C null

Arithmetic Operation

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
# Create a new column based on arithmetic operations
df_arithmetic = df.withColumn(“New_ID”, col(“ID”) * 2 + 5)
ID Name Grade New_ID
1 Alice null 7
2 Bob B 9
3 Charlie C 11

Using SQL Function

you can use functions like concat(), substring(), when(), length(), etc.

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, lit
# Concatenate two columns with a separator
df_concat = df.withColumn(“Full_Description”, concat(col(“Name”), lit(” has ID “), col(“ID”)))

Conditional Logic

Using when() and otherwise() is equivalent to SQL’s CASE WHEN expression.

from pyspark.sql.functions import when

# Add a new column with conditional logic
df_conditional = df.withColumn("Is_Adult", when(col("ID") > 18, "Yes").otherwise("No"))
String Function

You can apply string functions like upper(), lower(), or substring()

from pyspark.sql.functions import upper
# Convert a column to uppercase
df_uppercase = df.withColumn(“Uppercase_Name”, upper(col(“Name”)))

Type Casting

You can cast a column to a different data type.

Cast the ID column to a string

# Cast the ID column to a string
df_cast = df.withColumn(“ID_as_string”, col(“ID”).cast(“string”))

Handling Null Values

create columns that handle null values using coalesce() or fill()


This function returns the first non-null value among its arguments.

from pyspark.sql.functions import coalesce
# Return non-null value between two columns
df_coalesce = df.withColumn(“NonNullValue”, coalesce(col(“Name”), lit(“Unknown”)))

Fill Missing Values:

# Replace nulls in a column with a default value
df_fill ={“Name”: “Unknown”})

Creating Columns with Complex Expressions

create columns based on more complex expressions or multiple transformations at once.

# Create a column with multiple transformations
df_complex = df.withColumn( “Complex_Column”, concat(upper(col(“Name”)), lit(“_”), col(“ID”).cast(“string”)) )

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, concat, when, upper, coalesce

# Initialize Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("withColumnExample").getOrCreate()

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = [(1, "Alice", None), (2, "Bob", "B"), (3, "Charlie", "C")]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["ID", "Name", "Grade"])

# Perform various transformations using withColumn()
df_transformed = df.withColumn("ID_Multiplied", col("ID") * 10) \
                   .withColumn("Full_Description", concat(upper(col("Name")), lit(" - ID: "), col("ID"))) \
                   .withColumn("Pass_Status", when(col("Grade") == "C", "Pass").otherwise("Fail")) \
                   .withColumn("Non_Null_Grade", coalesce(col("Grade"), lit("N/A"))) \
                   .withColumn("ID_as_String", col("ID").cast("string"))

# Show the result
ID	Name	Grade	ID_Multiplied	Full_Description	Pass_Status	Non_Null_Grade	ID_as_String
1	Alice	null	10	ALICE - ID: 1	Fail	N/A	1
2	Bob	B	20	BOB - ID: 2	Fail	B	2
3	Charlie	C	30	CHARLIE - ID: 3	Pass	C	3

select ()

select () is used to project (select) a set of columns or expressions from a DataFrame. This function allows you to choose and work with specific columns, create new columns, or apply transformations to the data.


Commonly Used PySpark Functions with select()

  • col(column_name): Refers to a column.
  • alias(new_name): Assigns a new name to a column.
  • lit(value): Adds a literal value.
  • round(column, decimals): Rounds off the values in a column.
  • concat(col1, col2, ...): Concatenates multiple columns.
  • when(condition, value): Adds conditional logic.
Renaming Columns:["column1"].alias("new_column1"), df["column2"]).show()

Using Expressions:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F"column1"), F.lit("constant_value"), (F.col("column2") + 10).alias("modified_column2")).show()

Performing Calculations["column1"] * 2).alias("double_column1"), F.round(df["column2"], 2).alias("rounded_column2")).show()

Handling Complex Data Types (Struct, Array, Map):"struct_column.field_name").show()

Selecting with Wildcards:

While PySpark doesn’t support SQL-like wildcards directly, you can achieve similar functionality using selectExpr (discussed below) or other methods like looping over df.columns.[c for c in df.columns if “some_pattern” in c]).show()

Using selectExpr ()

df.selectExpr(“column1”, “column2 + 10 as new_column2”).show()

Pyspark: read and write a csv file

In PySpark, we can read from and write to CSV files using DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter with the csv method. Here’s a guide on how to work with CSV files in PySpark:

Reading CSV Files in PySpark


df =“csv”).options(options).load(ffile_location).schema(schema_df)

  • csv
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • JSON
  • AVRO
  • header = “True”; “False”
  • inferSchema = “True”; ”False”
  • sep=”,” … whatever
  • load(path1)
  • load(path1,path2……)
  • load(folder)
  • define a schema
  • Schema
  • my_schema

define a schema

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType
# Define the schema
schema = StructType([
    StructField("column1", IntegerType(), True),   # Column1 is Integer, nullable
    StructField("column2", StringType(), True),    # Column2 is String, nullable
    StructField("column3", StringType(), False)    # Column3 is String, non-nullable

#or simple format
schema="col1 INTEGER, col2 STRING, col3 STRING, col4 INTEGER"


Read CSV file with header, infer schema, and specify null value

# Read a CSV file with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \
    .option("header", "true") \    # Use the first row as the header
    .option("inferSchema", "true")\ # Automatically infer the schema
    .option("sep", ",") \           # Specify the delimiter
    .load("path/to/input_file.csv")\ # Load the file
    .option("nullValue", "NULL" # Define a string representation of null

# Read multiple CSV files with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \ 
.option("inferSchema", "true")\     
.option("sep", ",") \             
.load("path/file1.csv", "path/file2.csv", "path/file3.csv")\   
.option("nullValue", "NULL")

# Read folder all CSV files with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \ 
.option("inferSchema", "true")\     
.option("sep", ",") \             
.option("nullValue", "NULL")

When you want to read multiple files into a single Dataframe, if schemas are different, load files into Separate DataFrames, then take additional process to merge them together.

Writing CSV Files in PySpark




# Write the result DataFrame to a new CSV file
result_df.write.format("csv") \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .mode("overwrite") \

# Write DataFrame to a CSV file with header, partitioning, and compression

df.write.format("csv") \
  .option("header", "true") \         # Write the header
  .option("compression", "gzip") \    # Use gzip compression
  .partitionBy("year", "month") \ # Partition the output by specified columns
  .mode("overwrite") \                # Overwrite existing data
  .save("path/to/output_directory")   # Specify output directory

spark: RDD, Dataframe, Dataset, Transformation and Action

In Apache Spark, RDD, DataFrame, and Dataset are the core data structures used to handle distributed data. Each of these offers different levels of abstraction and optimization.

Basic Overview

DefinitionLow-level abstraction for distributed data (objects).
RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are the fundamental data structure in Spark, representing an immutable distributed collection of objects. They provide a low-level interface to Spark, allowing developers to perform operations directly on data in a functional programming style.
High-level abstraction for structured data (table).
DataFrames are similar to tables in relational databases and are used to represent structured data. They allow you to perform complex queries and operations on structured datasets with a SQL-like syntax.
Combines RDD and DataFrame, adds type safety (Scala/Java).
Datasets are an extension of DataFrames that provide the benefits of both RDDs and DataFrames, with compile-time type safety. They are particularly useful in Scala and Java for ensuring data types during compile time.
APIFunctional (map, filter, etc.)
The RDD API provides functional programming constructs, allowing transformations and actions through functions like map, filter, and reduce.
SQL-like API + relational functions.
The DataFrame API includes both SQL-like queries and relational functions, making it more user-friendly and easier to work with structured data.
Typed API + relational functions (strong typing in Scala/Java).
The Dataset API combines typed operations with the ability to perform relational functions, allowing for a more expressive and type-safe programming model in Scala/Java.
Data StructureCollection of elements (e.g., objects, arrays).
RDDs are essentially collections of objects, which can be of any type (primitive or complex). This means that users can work with various data types without a predefined schema.
Distributed table with named columns.
DataFrames represent structured data as a distributed table, where each column has a name and a type. This structured format makes it easier to work with large datasets and perform operations.
Typed distributed table with named columns.
Datasets also represent data in a structured format, but they enforce types at compile time, enhancing safety and performance, especially in statically typed languages like Scala and Java.
SchemaNo schemaDefined schema (column names)Schema with compile-time type checking (Scala/Java)
PerformanceLess optimized (no Catalyst/Tungsten)Highly optimized (Catalyst/Tungsten)Highly optimized (Catalyst/Tungsten)

Transformations and Actions

Transformations and Actions are two fundamental operations used to manipulate distributed data collections like RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets.

High-Level Differences

  • Transformations: These are lazy operations that define a new RDD, DataFrame, or Dataset by applying a function to an existing one. However, they do not immediately execute—Spark builds a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of all transformations.
  • Actions: These are eager operations that trigger execution by forcing Spark to compute and return results or perform output operations. Actions break the laziness and execute the transformations.

Key Differences Between Transformations and Actions

DefinitionOperations that define a new dataset based on an existing one, but do not immediately execute.Operations that trigger the execution of transformations and return results or perform output.
Lazy EvaluationYes, transformations are lazily evaluated and only executed when an action is called.No, actions are eager and immediately compute the result by triggering the entire execution plan.
Execution TriggerDo not trigger computation immediately. Spark builds a DAG of transformations to optimize execution.Trigger the execution of the transformations and cause Spark to run jobs and return/output data.
Return TypeReturn a new RDD, DataFrame, or Dataset (these are still “recipes” and not materialized).Return a result to the driver program (like a value) or write data to an external storage system.
Example Operationsmap, filter, flatMap, join, groupBy, select, agg, orderBy.count, collect, first, take, reduce, saveAsTextFile, foreach.


  • Transformations are used to define what to do with the data but don’t execute until an action triggers them.
  • Actions are used to retrieve results or perform output, forcing Spark to execute the transformations.

Partition in databricks

In Databricks, partitioning is a strategy used to organize and store large datasets into smaller, more manageable chunks based on specific column values. Partitioning can improve query performance and resource management when working with large datasets in Spark, especially in distributed environments like Databricks.

Key Concepts of Partitioning in Databricks

Partitioning in Tables:

When saving a DataFrame as a table or Parquet file in Databricks, you can specify partitioning columns to divide the data into separate directories. Each partition contains a subset of the data based on the values of the partitioning column(s).

Partitioning in DataFrames

Spark partitions data in-memory across nodes in the cluster to parallelize processing. Partitioning helps distribute the workload evenly across the cluster.

Types of Partitioning

Static Partitioning (Manual Partitioning)

When saving or writing data to a file or table, you can manually specify one or more columns to partition the data by. This helps when querying large tables, as Spark can scan only the relevant partitions instead of the entire dataset.

Dynamic Partitioning (Automatic Partitioning)

Spark automatically partitions a DataFrame based on the size of the data and available resources. The number of partitions is determined by Spark’s internal algorithm based on the data’s size and complexity.

Let’s say, there is dataframe

Partitioning in Databricks File System (DBFS)

When writing data to files in Databricks (e.g., Parquet, Delta), you can specify partitioning columns to optimize reads and queries. For example, when you partition by a column, Databricks will store the data in different folders based on that column’s values.

# Example of saving a DataFrame with partitioning
df.write.partitionBy("year", "month").parquet("/mnt/data/name_partitioned")

In this example, the data will be saved in a directory structure like:


Partitioning in Delta Tables

In Delta Lake (which is a storage layer on top of Databricks), partitioning is also a best practice to optimize data management and queries. When you define a Delta table, you can specify partitions to enable efficient query pruning, which results in faster reads and reduced I/O.

# Writing a Delta table with partitioning
df.write.format("delta").partitionBy("gender", "age").save("/mnt/delta/partitioned_data")

In this example, the data will be saved in a directory structure like:


Optimizing Spark DataFrame Partitioning

When working with in-memory Spark DataFrames in Databricks, you can manually control the number of partitions to optimize performance.


This increases or decreases the number of partitions.
This operation reshuffles the data, redistributing it into a new number of partitions.

df = df.repartition(10)  # repartition into 10 partitions


This reduces the number of partitions without triggering a shuffle operation (which is often more efficient than repartition).
This is a more efficient way to reduce the number of partitions without triggering a shuffle.

df = df.coalesce(5) # reduce partitions to 5

When to Use Partitioning

  • Partitioning works best when you frequently query the data using the columns you’re partitioning by. For example, partitioning by date (e.g., year, month, day) is a common use case when working with time-series data.
  • Don’t over-partition: Too many partitions can lead to small file sizes, which increases the overhead of managing the partitions.


  • Partitioning divides data into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • It improves query performance by allowing Spark to read only relevant data.
  • You can control partitioning when saving DataFrames or Delta tables to optimize storage and query performance.
  • Use repartition() or coalesce() to manage in-memory partitions for better parallelization.
  • Use coalesce() to reduce partitions without shuffling.
  • Use repartition() when you need to rebalance data.