Pyspark: read and write a csv file

In PySpark, we can read from and write to CSV files using DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter with the csv method. Here’s a guide on how to work with CSV files in PySpark:

Reading CSV Files in PySpark


df =“csv”).options(options).load(ffile_location).schema(schema_df)

  • csv
  • Parquet
  • ORC
  • JSON
  • AVRO
  • header = “True”; “False”
  • inferSchema = “True”; ”False”
  • sep=”,” … whatever
  • load(path1)
  • load(path1,path2……)
  • load(folder)
  • define a schema
  • Schema
  • my_schema

define a schema

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType
# Define the schema
schema = StructType([
    StructField("column1", IntegerType(), True),   # Column1 is Integer, nullable
    StructField("column2", StringType(), True),    # Column2 is String, nullable
    StructField("column3", StringType(), False)    # Column3 is String, non-nullable

#or simple format
schema="col1 INTEGER, col2 STRING, col3 STRING, col4 INTEGER"


Read CSV file with header, infer schema, and specify null value

# Read a CSV file with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \
    .option("header", "true") \    # Use the first row as the header
    .option("inferSchema", "true")\ # Automatically infer the schema
    .option("sep", ",") \           # Specify the delimiter
    .load("path/to/input_file.csv")\ # Load the file
    .option("nullValue", "NULL" # Define a string representation of null

# Read multiple CSV files with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \ 
.option("inferSchema", "true")\     
.option("sep", ",") \             
.load("path/file1.csv", "path/file2.csv", "path/file3.csv")\   
.option("nullValue", "NULL")

# Read folder all CSV files with header, infer schema, and specify null value
df ="csv") \ 
.option("inferSchema", "true")\     
.option("sep", ",") \             
.option("nullValue", "NULL")

When you want to read multiple files into a single Dataframe, if schemas are different, load files into Separate DataFrames, then take additional process to merge them together.

Writing CSV Files in PySpark




# Write the result DataFrame to a new CSV file
result_df.write.format("csv") \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .mode("overwrite") \

# Write DataFrame to a CSV file with header, partitioning, and compression

df.write.format("csv") \
  .option("header", "true") \         # Write the header
  .option("compression", "gzip") \    # Use gzip compression
  .partitionBy("year", "month") \ # Partition the output by specified columns
  .mode("overwrite") \                # Overwrite existing data
  .save("path/to/output_directory")   # Specify output directory

By default, If you try to write directly to a file (e.g., name1.csv), it conflicts because Spark doesn’t generate a single file but a collection of part files in a directory.


PySpark writes data in parallel, which results in multiple part files rather than a single CSV file by default. However, you can consolidate the data into a single CSV file by performing a coalesce(1) or repartition(1) operation before writing, which reduces the number of partitions to one.


at this time, name1.csv in “dbfs:/FileStore/name1.csv” will treat as a directory, rather than a Filename. PySpark writes the single file with a random name like part-00000-<id>.csv


we need take additional step – “Rename the File to name1.csv

# List all files in the directory
files ="dbfs:/FileStore/name1.csv")

# Filter for the part file
for file in files:
        source_file = file.path  # Full path to the part file
        destination_file = "dbfs:/FileStore/name1.csv"
        # Move and rename the file, destination_file)

display( ( "dbfs:/FileStore/"))

Direct Write with Custom File Name

PySpark doesn’t natively allow specifying a custom file name directly while writing a file because it writes data in parallel using multiple partitions. However, you can achieve a custom file name with a workaround. Here’s how:


  1. Use coalesce(1) to combine all data into a single partition.
  2. Save the file to a temporary location.
  3. Rename the part file to the desired name.
# Combine all data into one partition
df.coalesce(1).write.format("csv") \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .mode("overwrite") \

# Get the name of the part file
files ="dbfs:/FileStore/temp_folder")
for file in files:
        part_file = file.path

# Move and rename the part file, "dbfs:/FileStore/name1.csv")

# Remove the temporary folder
dbutils.fs.rm("dbfs:/FileStore/temp_folder", True)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen 

(remove all space from the email account 😊)

spark: RDD, Dataframe, Dataset, Transformation and Action

In Apache Spark, RDD, DataFrame, and Dataset are the core data structures used to handle distributed data. Each of these offers different levels of abstraction and optimization.

Basic Overview

DefinitionLow-level abstraction for distributed data (objects).
RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are the fundamental data structure in Spark, representing an immutable distributed collection of objects. They provide a low-level interface to Spark, allowing developers to perform operations directly on data in a functional programming style.
High-level abstraction for structured data (table).
DataFrames are similar to tables in relational databases and are used to represent structured data. They allow you to perform complex queries and operations on structured datasets with a SQL-like syntax.
Combines RDD and DataFrame, adds type safety (Scala/Java).
Datasets are an extension of DataFrames that provide the benefits of both RDDs and DataFrames, with compile-time type safety. They are particularly useful in Scala and Java for ensuring data types during compile time.
APIFunctional (map, filter, etc.)
The RDD API provides functional programming constructs, allowing transformations and actions through functions like map, filter, and reduce.
SQL-like API + relational functions.
The DataFrame API includes both SQL-like queries and relational functions, making it more user-friendly and easier to work with structured data.
Typed API + relational functions (strong typing in Scala/Java).
The Dataset API combines typed operations with the ability to perform relational functions, allowing for a more expressive and type-safe programming model in Scala/Java.
Data StructureCollection of elements (e.g., objects, arrays).
RDDs are essentially collections of objects, which can be of any type (primitive or complex). This means that users can work with various data types without a predefined schema.
Distributed table with named columns.
DataFrames represent structured data as a distributed table, where each column has a name and a type. This structured format makes it easier to work with large datasets and perform operations.
Typed distributed table with named columns.
Datasets also represent data in a structured format, but they enforce types at compile time, enhancing safety and performance, especially in statically typed languages like Scala and Java.
SchemaNo schemaDefined schema (column names)Schema with compile-time type checking (Scala/Java)
PerformanceLess optimized (no Catalyst/Tungsten)Highly optimized (Catalyst/Tungsten)Highly optimized (Catalyst/Tungsten)

Transformations and Actions

Transformations and Actions are two fundamental operations used to manipulate distributed data collections like RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets.

actions” are operations that return the raw values, In other words, any RDD function that returns other than RDD[T] is considered as an action in spark programming.

transformations” are lazy meaning they do not get executed right away and action functions trigger to execute the transformations.

High-Level Differences

  • Transformations: These are lazy operations that define a new RDD, DataFrame, or Dataset by applying a function to an existing one. However, they do not immediately execute—Spark builds a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of all transformations.
  • Actions: These are eager operations that trigger execution by forcing Spark to compute and return results or perform output operations. Actions break the laziness and execute the transformations.

Key Differences Between Transformations and Actions

DefinitionOperations that define a new dataset based on an existing one, but do not immediately execute.Operations that trigger the execution of transformations and return results or perform output.
Lazy EvaluationYes, transformations are lazily evaluated and only executed when an action is called.No, actions are eager and immediately compute the result by triggering the entire execution plan.
Execution TriggerDo not trigger computation immediately. Spark builds a DAG of transformations to optimize execution.Trigger the execution of the transformations and cause Spark to run jobs and return/output data.
Return TypeReturn a new RDD, DataFrame, or Dataset (these are still “recipes” and not materialized).Return a result to the driver program (like a value) or write data to an external storage system.
Example Operationsmap, filter, flatMap, join, groupBy, select, agg, orderBy.count, collect, first, take, reduce, saveAsTextFile, foreach.


  • Transformations are used to define what to do with the data but don’t execute until an action triggers them.
  • Actions are used to retrieve results or perform output, forcing Spark to execute the transformations.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)