In this article, I will discuss on the Exists Transformation of Data Flow. The exists transformation is a row filtering transformation that checks whether your data exists in another source or stream. The output stream includes all rows in the left stream that either exist or don’t exist in the right stream. The exists transformation is similar to SQL WHERE EXISTS

I use the Exists transformation in Azure Data Factory or Synapse data flows to compare source and target data.” (This is the most straightforward and generally preferred option.
Create a Data Flow
Create a Source

Create a DerivedColumn Transformation

expression uses : sha2(256, columns())

Create target and derivedColumn transformation
The same way of source creates target. To keep the data type are the same so that we can use hash value to compare, I add a “Cast transformation”;

then the same as source setting, add a derivedColumn transformation.

Exists Transformation to compare Source and target
add a Exists to comparing source and target.
The Exists function offers two options: Exists and Doesn’t Exist. It supports multiple criteria and custom expressions.
- Choose which data stream you’re checking for existence in the Right stream dropdown.
- Specify whether you’re looking for the data to exist or not exist in the Exist type setting.
- Select whether or not your want a Custom expression.
- Choose which key columns you want to compare as your exists conditions. By default, data flow looks for equality between one column in each stream. To compare via a computed value, hover over the column dropdown and select Computed column.
“Exists” option
Now, let use “Exists” option

we got this depid = 1004 exists.

Doesn’t Exist
use “Doesn’t Exist” option

we got depid = 1003. wholessale exists in Source side, but does NOT exist in target.

The “Exists Transformation” is similar to SQL WHERE EXISTS

It is very convenient to compare in data engineering project, e.g. ETL comparison.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @ mainri.ca
(remove all space from the email account 😊)