dbutils: widgets

In Databricks notebooks, dbutils.widgets provide a way to create interactive controls like dropdowns, text inputs, and multi-selects. These widgets make your notebooks more interactive by allowing users to input parameters that can drive the notebook’s behavior without editing the code itself.

Types of Widgets

  • Text Box (dbutils.widgets.text): Allows users to input free-form text.
  • Dropdown (dbutils.widgets.dropdown): Presents a dropdown menu with predefined options.
  • Combobox (dbutils.widgets.combobox): A combination of a text box and a dropdown, allowing users to either select from a list or enter a new value.
  • Multi-Select (dbutils.widgets.multiselect): Allows users to select multiple options from a dropdown list.

Common dbutils.widgets Commands

Create a Text Box

dbutils.widgets.text(“input_text”, “default_value”, “Text Input”)


CREATE WIDGET TEXT tableName DEFAULT ‘customers’

  • “input_text”: The name of the widget (used to retrieve the value).
  • “default_value”: Default value shown when the widget is created.
  • “Text Input”: Label shown next to the widget in the notebook UI.

Create a Dropdown

dbutils.widgets.dropdown(“dropdown”, “option1”, [“option1”, “option2”, “option3”], “Dropdown Label”)



  • "dropdown": The name of the widget.
  • "option1": Default selected option.
  • ["option1", "option2", "option3"]: List of options.
  • "Dropdown Label": Label for the dropdown.

Create a Combobox

dbutils.widgets.combobox(“combobox”, “option1”, [“option1”, “option2”, “option3”], “Combobox Label”)

Create a Multi-Select

dbutils.widgets.multiselect(“multi_select”, “option1”, [“option1”, “option2”, “option3”], “Multi-Select Label”)


CREATE WIDGET MULTISELECT status DEFAULT ‘active’ CHOICES [‘active’, ‘inactive’, ‘pending’]

Retrieving Widget Values

value = dbutils.widgets.get(“widget_name”)
print(f”Selected value: {value}”)


SELECT * FROM ${getArgument(‘tableName’)}
WHERE country = ‘${getArgument(‘country’)}’
AND status IN (${getArgument(‘status’)})

Cation, In sql, use getArgument.

Removing Widgets

Remove a Single Widget



— Remove widgets when no longer needed
REMOVE WIDGET widget_name

Remove All Widgets


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @ mainri.ca

(remove all space from the email account 😊)