Delta Table, Delta Lake

A Delta table is a type of table that builds on the Delta Lake storage layer and brings ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, schema enforcement, and scalable metadata management to traditional data lakes. It is designed for large-scale, reliable data processing and analytics. Delta tables enable you to manage both batch and streaming data with ease, and they are ideal for environments where data integrity and consistency are critical, such as in data lakes, data warehouses, and machine learning pipelines.

What is Delta Lake

Delta lake is an open-source technology, we use Delta Lake to store data in Delta tables. Delta lake improves data storage by supporting ACID transactions, high-performance query optimizations, schema evolution, data versioning and many other features.

FeatureTraditional Data LakesDelta Lake
Transaction SupportNo ACID transactionsFull ACID support
Data ConsistencyWeak guaranteesStrong guarantees with serializable isolation
Schema EnforcementNoneEnforced and allows schema evolution
Handling StreamingRequires separate infrastructureUnified batch and streaming
Data ManagementProne to issues like data corruptionReliable with audit trails and versioning
key differences

There is detail information at β€œData lake vs delta lake vs data lakehouse, and data warehouses comparison”

Key Features of Delta Tables

  1. ACID Transactions: Delta Lake ensures that operations like reads, writes, and updates are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable, eliminating issues of partial writes and data corruption.
  2. Schema Enforcement: When writing data, Delta ensures that it matches the table’s schema, preventing incorrect or incomplete data from being written.
  3. Time Travel: Delta tables store previous versions of the data, which allows you to query, rollback, and audit historical data (also known as data versioning).
  4. Unified Streaming and Batch Processing: Delta tables allow you to ingest both batch and streaming data, enabling you to work seamlessly with either approach without complex rewrites.
  5. Efficient Data Upserts: You can perform MERGE operations (UPSERTS) efficiently, which is especially useful in scenarios where you need to insert or update data based on certain conditions.
  6. Optimized Performance: Delta Lake supports optimizations such as data skipping, Z-order clustering, and auto-compaction, improving query performance.

Using Delta Tables in PySpark or SQL

If we directly query a existing delta table from ADLS using SQL, always use

 --back single quotation mark `

Register, Create, Write a Delta table

Register a table point it to existing Delta table location

# sql
-- register a table point it to existing Delta table location
delta_table_path = "dbfs:/mnt/delta/table_path"
# Register the Delta table in the metastore
CREATE TABLE table_name
LOCATION '{delta_table_path}'

Creating a Delta Table

-- Creating a Delta Table
CREATE TABLE my_delta_table (
id int,
name string
USING delta
LOCATION '/mnt/delta/my_delta_table';

Write to delta table

# python
# Write a DataFrame to a Delta table

# sql
-- Insert data
INSERT INTO my_delta_table VALUES (1, 'John Doe'), (2,
'Jane Doe');

Reading from a Delta table

delta_df ="delta").load("/mnt/delta/my_delta_table")

-- Query Delta table
SELECT * FROM my_delta_table;

-- directly query delta table from adls.
-- use  ` back single quotation mark

Managing Delta Tables

Optimizing Delta Tables

To improve performance, you can run an optimize operation to compact small files into larger ones.

# sql 
OPTIMIZE my_delta_table;

Z-order Clustering

Z-order clustering is used to improve query performance by colocating related data in the same set of files. it is a technique used in Delta Lake (and other databases) to optimize data layout for faster query performance.

# sql
OPTIMIZE my_delta_table ZORDER BY (date);

Upserts (Merge)

Delta Lake makes it easy to perform Upserts (MERGE operation), which allows you to insert or update data in your tables based on certain conditions.

using SQL scripts is the same as TSQL merge statement

% sql
MERGE INTO my_delta_table t
USING new_data n
ON =
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (id, value) VALUES (, n.value); 

In PySpark with Delta Lake:

The target table must be a Delta table and the source data is typically in a DataFrame.

Example Scenario
  • Target Table: target_table; Contains existing records.
  • Source DataFrame: source_df; Contains new or updated records.
  • Goal: Update existing rows if a match is found or insert new rows if no match exists.
from delta.tables import DeltaTable
from pyspark.sql.functions import current_date, lit

# Define paths
target_table_path = "dbfs:/mnt/delta/target_table"

# Load the Delta table as a DeltaTable object
target_table = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, target_table_path)

# Source DataFrame (new data to upsert)
source_data = [
    (1, "Alice", "2023-01-01"),
    (2, "Bob", "2023-01-02"),
    (4, "Eve", "2023-01-04")  # New record
columns = ["id", "name", "date"]
source_df = spark.createDataFrame(source_data, columns)

# Perform the merge operation
    " ="  # Join condition: match rows based on `id`
        "name": "",  # Update `name` column
        "date": ""   # Update `date` column
        "id": "",      # Insert `id`
        "name": "",  # Insert `name`
        "date": ""   # Insert `date`

# Verify the result
result_df ="delta").load(target_table_path)
Explanation of the Code
  1. Target Table (target_table):
    • The Delta table is loaded using DeltaTable.forPath.
    • This table contains existing data where updates or inserts will be applied.
  2. Source DataFrame (source_df):
    • This DataFrame contains new or updated records.
  3. Join Condition (" ="):
    • Rows in the target table (t) are matched with rows in the source DataFrame (s) based on id.
  4. whenMatchedUpdate:
    • If a matching row is found, update the name and date columns in the target table.
  5. whenNotMatchedInsert:
    • If no matching row is found, insert the new record from the source DataFrame into the target table.
  6. execute():
    • Executes the merge operation, applying updates and inserts.
  7. Result Verification:
    • After the merge, the updated Delta table is read and displayed.


Delta Lake is a powerful solution for building reliable, high-performance data pipelines on top of data lakes. It enables advanced data management and analytics capabilities with features like ACID transactions, time travel, and schema enforcement, making it an ideal choice for large-scale, data-driven applications.

Delta tables are essential for maintaining high-quality, reliable, and performant data processing pipelines. They provide a way to bring transactional integrity and powerful performance optimizations to large-scale data lakes, enabling unified data processing for both batch and streaming use cases.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)

Data lake vs delta lake vs data lakehouse, and data warehouses comparison

As a data engineer, we often hear terms like Data Lake, Delta Lake, Data Lakehouse, and data warehouse, which might be confusing at times. Today, we’ll explain these terms and talk about the differences of each of the technologies and concepts, along with scenarios of usage for each.

Delta Lake

Delta lake is an open-source technology, a storage layer, built on top of Apache Spark. We use Delta Lake to store data in Delta tables. Delta lake improves data storage by supporting ACID transactions, high-performance query optimizations, schema evolution, data versioning and many other features.

Delta Lake takes your existing Parquet data lake and makes it more reliable and performant by:

  1. Storing all the metadata in a separate transaction log
  2. Tracking all the changes to your data in this transaction log
  3. Organizing your data for maximum query performance

Data Lakehouse

Data lakehouse is a new unified architecture, open data management architecture that combines the flexibility, cost-efficiency, and scale ofΒ data lakesΒ with the data management and ACID transactions of data warehouses, enabling business intelligence (BI) and machine learning (ML) on all data.

Data Lake

A data lake is a centralized repository that allows organizations to store vast amounts of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Unlike traditional data warehouses, a data lake retains data in its raw form until it is needed, which provides flexibility in how the data can be used.

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a centralized repository that stores structured data (database tables, Excel sheets) and semi-structured data (XML files, webpages) Its data is usually cleaned and standardized for the purposes of reporting and analysis. 

Data lakes vs. data lakehouse vs. data warehouses

follow table simply compared what difference .

 Data lakeData lakehouseData warehouse
Types of dataAll types: Structured data, semi-structured data, unstructured (raw) dataAll types: Structured data, semi-structured data, unstructured (raw) dataStructured data only
FormatOpen formatOpen formatClosed, proprietary format
ScalabilityScales to hold any amount of data at low cost, regardless of typeScales to hold any amount of data at low cost, regardless of typeScaling up becomes exponentially more expensive due to vendor costs
Intended usersLimited: Data scientistsUnified: Data analysts, data scientists, machine learning engineersLimited: Data analysts
ReliabilityLow quality, data swampHigh quality, reliable dataHigh quality, reliable data
Ease of useDifficult: Exploring large amounts of raw data can be difficult without tools to organize and catalog the dataSimple: Provides simplicity and structure of a data warehouse with the broader use cases of a data lakeSimple: Structure of a data warehouse enables users to quickly and easily access data for reporting and analytics


Data lakes are a good technology that give you flexible and low-cost data storage. Data lakes can be a great choice for you if:

  • You have data in multiple formats coming from multiple sources
  • You want to use this data in many different downstream tasks, e.g. analytics, data science, machine learning, etc.
  • You want flexibility to run many different kinds of queries on your data and do not want to define the questions you want to ask your data in advance
  • You don’t want to be locked into a vendor-specific proprietary table format

Data lakes can also get messy because they do not provide reliability guarantees. Data lakes are also not always optimized to give you the fastest query performance.

Delta Lake is almost always more reliable, faster and more developer-friendly than a regular data lake. Delta lake can be a great choice for you because:

  • You have data in multiple formats coming from multiple sources
  • You want to use this data in many different downstream tasks, e.g. analytics, data science, machine learning, etc.
  • You want flexibility to run many different kinds of queries on your data and do not want to define the questions you want to ask your data in advance
  • You don’t want to be locked into a vendor-specific proprietary table format

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen 

(remove all space from the email account 😊)