arrayType, mapType column and functions

In PySpark, ArrayType and MapType are used to define complex data structures within a DataFrame schema.

ArrayType column, and functions,

ArrayType allows you to store and work with arrays, which can hold multiple values of the same data type.

sample dataframe:
id, numbers|
1, [1, 2, 3]
2, [4, 5, 6]
3, [7, 8, 9]

explode ()

“explode” a given array into individual new rows using the explode function, Offen use it to flatten JSON.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode

# Explode the 'numbers' array into separate rows
exploded_df = df.withColumn("number", explode(df.numbers))
id	numbers	number
1	[1,2,3]	1
1	[1,2,3]	2
1	[1,2,3]	3
2	[4,5,6]	4
2	[4,5,6]	5
2	[4,5,6]	6
3	[7,8,9]	7
3	[7,8,9]	8
3	[7,8,9]	9
split ()

Split strings based on a specified delimiter, return a array type.

from pyspark.sql.functions import split
df.withColumn(“Name_Split”, split(df[“Name”], “,”))

sample dataframe
| Name |
| John,Doe |
| Jane,Smith |
| Alice,Cooper |

from pyspark.sql.functions import split
# Split the 'Name' column by comma
df_split = df.withColumn("Name_Split", split(df["Name"], ","))

| Name        | Name_Split     |
| John,Doe    | [John, Doe]    |
| Jane,Smith  | [Jane, Smith]  |
| Alice,Cooper| [Alice, Cooper]|
array ()

Creates an array column.

from pyspark.sql.functions import array, col
# create a new column - numbers, array type. elements use num1,num2,num3   

|   1|   2|   3|
|   4|   5|   6|

#new array column "numbers" created
|num1|num2|num3| numbers   |
|   1|   2|   3| [1, 2, 3] |
|   4|   5|   6| [4, 5, 6] |
array_contains ()

Checks if an array contains a specific element.

from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains
array_contains(array, value)

sample dataframe
|id |fruits |
|1 |[apple, banana, cherry]|
|2 |[orange, apple, grape] |
|3 |[pear, peach, plum] |

from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Using array_contains to check if the array contains 'apple'"id", array_contains("fruits", "apple").alias("has_apple")).show()

| id|has_apple |
|  1|      true|
|  2|      true|
|  3|     false|

Access individual elements of an array by their index using the getItem() method

# Select the second element (index start from 0) of the 'numbers' array
df1 = df.withColumn("item_1_value",   df.numbers.getItem(1))
id	numbers	      item_1_value
1	[1,2,3]	       2
2	[4,5,6]	       5
3	[7,8,9]	       8
size ()

Returns the size of the array.

from pyspark.sql.functions import size

# Get the size of the 'numbers' array

|            3|
|            3|
|            3|

Sorts the array elements.

sort_array(col: ‘ColumnOrName’, asc: bool = True)

If `asc` is True (default) then ascending and if False then descending. if asc=True, can be omitted.

from pyspark.sql.functions import sort_array
df.withColumn("numbers", sort_array("numbers")).show()
| id|  numbers|
|  1|[1, 2, 3]|
|  2|[4, 5, 6]|
|  3|[7, 8, 9]|
+---+---------+"numbers", asc=False).alias("sorted_desc")).show()
|  [3, 2, 1]|
|  [6, 5, 4]|
|  [9, 8, 7]|
concat ()

concat() is used to concatenate arrays (or strings) into a single array (or string). When dealing with ArrayType, concat() is typically used to combine two or more arrays into one.

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat

sample DataFrames
|id |array1|array2|
|1 | [a, b] | [x, y]|
|2 | [c] | [z] |
|3 | [d, e] | null |

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat

# Concatenating array columns
df_concat = df.withColumn("concatenated_array", concat(col("array1"), col("array2")))

|id |array1|array2|concatenated_array|
|1  |[a, b]|[x, y]|[a, b, x, y]      |
|2  |[c]   |[z]   |[c, z]            |
|3  |[d, e]|null  |null              |

Handling null Values

If any of the input columns are null, the entire result can become null. This is why you’re seeing null instead of just the non-null array.

To handle this, you can use coalesce() to substitute null with an empty array before performing the concat(). coalesce() returns the first non-null argument. Here’s how you can modify your code:

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, coalesce, lit

# Define an empty array for the same type
empty_array = array()

# Concatenate with null handling using coalesce
df_concat = df.withColumn(
    concat(coalesce(col("array1"), empty_array), coalesce(col("array2"), empty_array))

|id |array1|array2|concatenated_array|
|1  |[a, b]|[x, y]|[a, b, x, y]      |
|2  |[c]   |[z]   |[c, z]            |
|3  |[d, e]|null  |[d, e]            |
array_zip ()

Combines arrays into a single array of structs.

☰ MapType column, and functions

MapType is used to represent map key-value pair similar to python Dictionary (Dic)

from pyspark.sql.types import MapType, StringType, IntegerType
# Define a MapType
my_map = MapType(StringType(), IntegerType(), valueContainsNull=True)


  • keyType: Data type of the keys in the map. You can use PySpark data types like StringType(), IntegerType(), DoubleType(), etc.
  • valueType: Data type of the values in the map. It can be any valid PySpark data type
  • valueContainsNull: Boolean flag (optional). It indicates whether null values are allowed in the map. Default is True.

sample dataset
# Sample dataset (Product ID and prices in various currencies)
data = [
(1, {“USD”: 100, “EUR”: 85, “GBP”: 75}),
(2, {“USD”: 150, “EUR”: 130, “GBP”: 110}),
(3, {“USD”: 200, “EUR”: 170, “GBP”: 150}),

sample dataframe
|product_id|prices |
|1 |{EUR -> 85, GBP -> 75, USD -> 100} |
|2 |{EUR -> 130, GBP -> 110, USD -> 150}|
|3 |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|

Accessing map_keys (), map_values ()

Extract keys (currency codes) and values (prices):

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Extract map keys and values

|product_id|currencies     |prices_in_currencies|
|1         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[85, 75, 100]       |
|2         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[130, 110, 150]     |
|3         |[EUR, GBP, USD]|[170, 150, 200]     |
exploder ()

Use explode () to flatten the map into multiple rows, where each key-value pair from the map becomes a separate row.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
# Use explode to flatten the map
df_exploded ="product_id", explode("prices").alias("currency", "price")).show()

|         1|     EUR|   85|
|         1|     GBP|   75|
|         1|     USD|  100|
|         2|     EUR|  130|
|         2|     GBP|  110|
|         2|     USD|  150|
|         3|     EUR|  170|
|         3|     GBP|  150|
|         3|     USD|  200|
Accessing specific elements in the map

To get the price for a specific currency (e.g., USD) for each product:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Access the value for a specific key in the map

|1         |100         |
|2         |150         |
|3         |200         |

filter the rows based on conditions involving the map values

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, map_keys, map_values
# Filter rows where price in USD is greater than 150
df.filter(col("prices").getItem("USD") > 150).show(truncate=False)

|product_id|prices                              |
|3         |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|
map_concat ()

Combines two or more map columns by merging their key-value pairs.

from pyspark.sql.functions import map_concat, create_map, lit

# Define the additional currency as a new map using create_map()
additional_currency = create_map(lit("CAD"), lit(120))

# Add a new currency (e.g., CAD) with a fixed price to all rows
    map_concat(col("prices"), additional_currency)

|product_id|prices                              |
|3         |{EUR -> 170, GBP -> 150, USD -> 200}|

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)

withColumn, select


It’s a “transformation”.
withColumn() add or replace a column_name in a DataFrame. In other words, if “column_name” exists, replace/change the existing column, otherwise, add “column_name” as new column.


from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, concat, when, upper, coalesce
df.withColumn(“column_name”, expression)

Key Parameters

  • "column_name": The name of the new or existing column.
  • expression: Any transformation, calculation, or function applied to create or modify the column.
Basic Column Creation (with literal values)

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
# Add a column with a constant value
df_new = df.withColumn(“New_Column”, lit(100))

ID Name Grade New_Column
1 Alice null 100
2 Bob B 100
3 Charlie C 100

# Add a new column, no value
df_new = df.withColumn(“New_Column”, lit(None))

ID Name Grade New_Column
1 Alice null null
2 Bob B null
3 Charlie C null

Arithmetic Operation

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
# Create a new column based on arithmetic operations
df_arithmetic = df.withColumn(“New_ID”, col(“ID”) * 2 + 5)
ID Name Grade New_ID
1 Alice null 7
2 Bob B 9
3 Charlie C 11

Using SQL Function

you can use functions like concat(), substring(), when(), length(), etc.

from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, lit
# Concatenate two columns with a separator
df_concat = df.withColumn(“Full_Description”, concat(col(“Name”), lit(” has ID “), col(“ID”)))

Conditional Logic

Using when() and otherwise() is equivalent to SQL’s CASE WHEN expression.

from pyspark.sql.functions import when

# Add a new column with conditional logic
df_conditional = df.withColumn("Is_Adult", when(col("ID") > 18, "Yes").otherwise("No"))
String Function

You can apply string functions like upper(), lower(), or substring()

from pyspark.sql.functions import upper
# Convert a column to uppercase
df_uppercase = df.withColumn(“Uppercase_Name”, upper(col(“Name”)))

Type Casting

You can cast a column to a different data type.

Cast the ID column to a string

# Cast the ID column to a string
df_cast = df.withColumn(“ID_as_string”, col(“ID”).cast(“string”))

Handling Null Values

create columns that handle null values using coalesce() or fill()


This function returns the first non-null value among its arguments.

from pyspark.sql.functions import coalesce
# Return non-null value between two columns
df_coalesce = df.withColumn(“NonNullValue”, coalesce(col(“Name”), lit(“Unknown”)))

Fill Missing Values:

# Replace nulls in a column with a default value
df_fill ={“Name”: “Unknown”})

Creating Columns with Complex Expressions

create columns based on more complex expressions or multiple transformations at once.

# Create a column with multiple transformations
df_complex = df.withColumn( “Complex_Column”, concat(upper(col(“Name”)), lit(“_”), col(“ID”).cast(“string”)) )

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, concat, when, upper, coalesce

# Initialize Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("withColumnExample").getOrCreate()

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = [(1, "Alice", None), (2, "Bob", "B"), (3, "Charlie", "C")]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["ID", "Name", "Grade"])

# Perform various transformations using withColumn()
df_transformed = df.withColumn("ID_Multiplied", col("ID") * 10) \
                   .withColumn("Full_Description", concat(upper(col("Name")), lit(" - ID: "), col("ID"))) \
                   .withColumn("Pass_Status", when(col("Grade") == "C", "Pass").otherwise("Fail")) \
                   .withColumn("Non_Null_Grade", coalesce(col("Grade"), lit("N/A"))) \
                   .withColumn("ID_as_String", col("ID").cast("string"))

# Show the result
ID	Name	Grade	ID_Multiplied	Full_Description	Pass_Status	Non_Null_Grade	ID_as_String
1	Alice	null	10	ALICE - ID: 1	Fail	N/A	1
2	Bob	B	20	BOB - ID: 2	Fail	B	2
3	Charlie	C	30	CHARLIE - ID: 3	Pass	C	3

select ()

select () is used to project (select) a set of columns or expressions from a DataFrame. This function allows you to choose and work with specific columns, create new columns, or apply transformations to the data.


Commonly Used PySpark Functions with select()

  • col(column_name): Refers to a column.
  • alias(new_name): Assigns a new name to a column.
  • lit(value): Adds a literal value.
  • round(column, decimals): Rounds off the values in a column.
  • concat(col1, col2, ...): Concatenates multiple columns.
  • when(condition, value): Adds conditional logic.
Renaming Columns:["column1"].alias("new_column1"), df["column2"]).show()

Using Expressions:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F"column1"), F.lit("constant_value"), (F.col("column2") + 10).alias("modified_column2")).show()

Performing Calculations["column1"] * 2).alias("double_column1"), F.round(df["column2"], 2).alias("rounded_column2")).show()

Handling Complex Data Types (Struct, Array, Map):"struct_column.field_name").show()

Selecting with Wildcards:

While PySpark doesn’t support SQL-like wildcards directly, you can achieve similar functionality using selectExpr (discussed below) or other methods like looping over df.columns.[c for c in df.columns if “some_pattern” in c]).show()

Using selectExpr ()

df.selectExpr(“column1”, “column2 + 10 as new_column2”).show()

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at William . chen @

(remove all space from the email account 😊)